Yeay I finally got it! OPI I SAW...U SAW...WE SAW...WARSAW.

Currently I am IN LOVE with navy blue. I pick everything in Navy Blue color. You can check this post, see? I crave everything in navy blue color. Well...except for the pizza :p 

I can't sleep, so I paint my nails. 

I love Navy Blue, and I love flowers. So I combine it together. Pretty isn't it? 

How to make it? 

It's so easyy. Make sure that your nails are clean, do a nail treatment if necessary. 

To protect your nails, apply base coat on your nails before you paint them with nail polishes. This step is important to prevent yellowing, because nail polish has a lot of pigment, especially dark colors. (Ps: I love using dark colors) You can use any kind of base coat that you like. 

Then, paint all your nails with OPI I SAW...U SAW...WE SAW...WARSAW nail polish. 

For the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger.

Make 5 dots with your white polish, using a doting tool or if you don't have, use a bobby pin like me. A bit messy is okay, by the way. :-)

Then add random dot on your flowery nails, using small doting tool or you can use toothpick.

I don't know what brand that i use for the white nail polish. Because, for white color I use cheap nail polish, karena warna putih (dan hitam) menurutku mau semahal apapun hasilnya bakalan sama aja sama nail polish yang murah. Karena buat ku, aku cuma pakai warna hitam dan putih untuk detail-detail kecil atau hiasan aja. Apalagi aku gak pro gitu cuma iseng-iseng aja, kayaknya sayang aja harus beli yang sekelas OPI cuma buat warna hitam dan putih hehe. Tapi tetap walaupun murah harga nya, pilih nail polish yang bukan murahan yaa. 


Dot in the center of every flowers using a doting tool or a bobby pin. 

Oh ya, kamu bisa hias kuku telunjuk dan jari kelingking mu sesuka mu. You can make the daisy too if you like. Cuma aku orangnya emang nggak suka yang rame banget gitu kalau buat kuku jari hehe jadi aku membiarkannya polos.

And to finish it all, top your nails with your favorite top coat to protect the nail polish, and make it last longer. And TA-DAAA!!



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