Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Korean make ups doesn't come cheap, yet it's not too expensive either. But is it worth it? Sure it's all reaaaally cute, when I saw it at the store I really really want it but then, I thought is it worth the money? Lucky me these was a gift from J's mother when she went to Korea last year, finallyy I can tried it. But you also can find this brand in Jakarta too, even in Bekasi! lol

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of Korea, either its Korean food, korean music, korean fashion, etc. But if you see Korean girls, and looked at their skin, their make up, I was like how the fuck I can have their cute faces?! So I thought I'd give it a try for korean make ups, cause maybe their secret is the make ups. Hahaha. So here's my honest honest opinion:

1. ETUDE HOUSE: Precious Minerals Magic Any Cushion.

On the website it claims:

What it is:
A multi color cushion soaked in foundation, it can be bb or cc cream too, housed in a chunky compact with second lid/compartment for the puff and also to keep the foundation from drying.
6-in-1 almighty cream foundation cushion: Moisturizing + Whitening + Anti Aging + Sunscreen (SPF 50+ / PA+++) + Foundation + Cooling

What it does: 
To keep skin flawless, it cares each skin's weakness via multi color cushion with whitening effect.
"Moisture-Lock Fomula' is applied to prevent getting dried.
Pearl mineral powder and Arbutin contained to keep skin clear and whitened, also Adenosine contained for anti-wrinkle treatment.

1. Pink: For pale skin tone users to make vivid and lovely skin tone
2. Mint: For ruddy skin tone users to make natural and bright skin tone
3. Peach: For dark and dull skin tone users to make clear and bright skin tone
* Lovely pink puff included in every package

Pokok nya si tante pilihin aku warna cream ini. When first she gave me, I thought it was a compact powder, or a two way cake because I've never interested to stroll around at the ETUDE store at the mall. 

It turns out it was not a powder, it's like a BB Cream, or CC Cream, really i don't know what that is.. But I do know it's cream. Gimana jelasinnya ya, jadi pas dibuka bakalan ada pinky puff gitu buat apply this product to your face, terus di bawahnya baru deh. Pas aku lihat aku kaya aneh gitu liatnya, karena ini unik banget! Dalemnya kayak sponge gitu yang udah nyerap BB/CC Cream nya gitu. Pokoknya bener-bener beda dari yang lain. 

Pas dicobain kok rasanya kayak keputihan banget gitu, tapi lama-kelamaan dipakai jadi suka banget it matches my skin so well! Sampe aku beli refill nya ke ETUDE HOUSE store, dan mama sm nenek ku juga celamitan pengen beli, tapi mama ku beli yang warna mint karena kulitnya suka agak kemerahan gitu. Oh yes, it does come in three color, each have a different function to any types of skin. Harga si magic any cushion ini aku agak lupa tapi kayaknya sekitar Rp 250.000,- deh waktu itu mama ku beli, dan refillnya gak sampai 200rb kok.

+ It does makes my skin clear and brighter, 
+ I love it has a big mirror
+ it's easy to refill. 
+ SPF 50
Moisturizing + Whitening + Anti Aging all in one 

+/- I don't know if its glow or oil HAHAHA</3

- Hanya tahan beberapa jam saja
- i think it makes my pimples percaya diri jadi banyak muncul-muncul:(

2. SKINFOOD: Vita Water Drop CC Cream SPF 35++

3. ETUDE HOUSE: Rosy Tint Lips

On the website it claims:

What it is:
Delicate and soft texture with enriched rosy color.
Velvet type lips to exxpress attractive colors.

What it does: 
- Petal texture like velvet: Creamy texture like rich color matte lipstick melted. Softly covers lips to express attractive rosy colors with velvet-matte finish.
- Sponge tip applied: Round-shape sponge tipe for a gradation lip makeup and detailed full cover.
- Tube type: Tube container to adjust amount easily.
- Various colors: 8 different color variation to express from natural to fascinating lips.

More to know
- Wash off the remaining tint on the tip clearly after application to keep it cleaner.

Really, I didn't have the guts to throw the box away. It is so pretty right:( the box is still sitting in my drawer ahahaha 

Pas pertama buka, dan pakai, percis banget sama Melted! nya Too Faced, and i'm not a fan of it ahaha I honestly didn't have the courage to wear bold lips, so I wore this tipis-tipis jatohnya dibibir kayak lip tint biasa aja gitu tapi kalau dipakai tipis-tipis bener-bener jadi kering gitu bibir nya. Because this is suppose to be like a matte liquid lipstick. The downside is we have to wash the applicator every after we used it, so ribet and gak higienis banget kan. kalau air nya masuk ke dalam gimana. Am not liking this kind of lipstick. But looove the colorr hihi

4. ETUDE HOUSE: Dear Darling Tint

On the website it claims: Easy to apply and long-lasting, this gel-based tint provides lips with a healthy, flushed look on lips.

It's just an ordinary lip tint, it was fine but better than the body shop one. I doesn't longlasting though.

here's a swatch:
Left: Rosy Tint - Right: Dear Darling 

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