Tuesday, November 4, 2014


October, 28th is finally here again. 
I don't know should I be happy or sad because 20 years old is old! I have more responsibility since I am the eldest and yaaa gitu lah. 
But I am happy cuz I can spent my birth day with the ones I love so much!! Mihihiw 

Joe bring me a lavender cake cause he knows I like floral cake ahaha yes I know i'm weird, my friends already told me that I kinda like suzanna cause all of the flowers wkwk wtf but it IS delicious!! Then we all went to dinner. Though in the morning i have an exam, it was a great day indeed. 

Ka nindy and ka sam really really surprised me when we were just chating at JJ, suddenly segerombolan mas-mas JJ berisik bgt nyanyi happy birthday. Padahal sblmnya baru banget bilang ka nindy kalo gamau bgt disurprisein disini Ahahahahah! Malu bgt abisnyaaa the music is so loud, mas2 JJ is so ramai suara nya bisa kedengeran sampe lantai atas! All eyes looked at me, it was so embarasing and so FUN at the same time!!! Ahahah 

Thank you girls for the pretty picture, I am so blessed to have you guys!!! Loph loph

Oh, and then joe took me to dinner the next day. I was wearing the gift that he bought me. It's a pretty floral dress by marc&spencer. The cut is soo me, i love it so mujjjjhhh. 

Before dinner, he took me to a camera shop and buy me an instax! Huhu he's too kind, i love him so much. 

The bag and the wallet is from tanpop, it was given to me months before my birthday, i just haven't got a chance to take a picture of it. So biar rame, i include it here. Teeheeee!! 

Both of them are always nice and kind to me, they are so sweettttt!! Like mother like son! I love you all so much!


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