Not a tea-sipping teetotaler? Well okay.  But.. but.. when there are so many benefits from drinking tea, especially Green Tea, I can't help but feel you're missing out. I mean.. It's tea. Who doesn't love tea? Right? 

Teh hijau bisa diolah jadi apa saja, coba kamu ke restaurant dan lihat menu nya pasti ada teh atau olahan teh lainnya seperti cake, minuman blend, dan sebagainya (Matcha). Karena aku orangnya susah banget tidur waktu malam hari dan kulitku yang sensitif banget cepat alerginya, buatku minum teh adalah wajib setiap hari nya.

Here's why you should too:
- It's an excellent source of antioxidants  
- It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer
- It prolongs your life
- It lowers stress but boosts brain power
- It reduces high blood pressure
- It helps to protect your lungs from smoking
- It helps to protect your liver from alcohol
- It prevents tooth decay and cures bad breath
- It helps preserve and build bone
- It boosts your immunity against illnesses
- It rehydrates you better than water
- There are no calories in tea
- Tea calm you down and comfort you
- Your skin will look better
- It can help you sleep at night

There are many ways to drink tea, but isn't sipping hot green tea in the afternoon when rain is pouring outside while you listen to mellow playlist is the best? Plus, aku gak mau semua nutrisi dan manfaat-manfaat yang ada di dalam teh hijau itu hilang.

But if you don't like hot tea, you can try put ice on your glass or:

4 cups of water
A big handfull Fresh Mint
Pure honey
3 bags of Green Tea
Fresh Lemon or Lime

Bring water, tea bags, and mint to boil in a saucepan. Simmer for 5-10 minutes or until the minty flavor you want is achieved. Add honey and lemon/lime juice to taste. Serve hot or chill in the refrigerator and or serve with ice.

1 pint strawberries
1 cup sugar
5 cups water
5 bags of Green Tea

Make smooth strawberry puree. Pour in medium saucepan and add sugar. Bring to boil. Set aside to cool. Boil water, and pour over 5 tea bags and let it brew for 5 minutes. Then mix strawberry mixture and green tea together and chill. Served chilled over ice.

1 cup fat-free cold vanilla/plain yoghurt
1/2 cup fat-free cold milk
1 tbsp Green Tea powder
1/2 ripe banana slide
Ice cubes
2 tbsp honey

Whisk together yoghurt, and green tea powder. Blend in with milk, banana, honey, blend them for 2-3 mins. Put in some ice cubes, then blend again until smooth.

For other recipes like cakes, pudding, ice cream.. Google it please. Jangan malas mencari resep-resep baru yang sery! By the way, if you tried the recipe please let me know how it turns out! Comment down below or tag me on Instagram - @febbythardianty. Oh ya Selamat Berpuasa ya bagi yang menjalankan, semoga puasa nya lancar selama sebulan penuh :)




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